Langtern helps both language teachers and students.

Which one are you?

Also for schools!
Langtern helps you study either English or Mandarin Chinese. More languages coming soon.
Self-study tools
Langtern features self-study tools like exercises, flashcards and an ebook reader.
Online content search engine
Langtern provides a search engine for free online content by difficulty level and topic.
Pop-up dictionary
Langtern offers a viewer for web sites and online videos with a pop-up dictionary to understand the contents easily.
Chrome extension
Chrome browser extension to more easily understand web pages and online videos.
Install extension
Langtern for teachers
If your language teacher uses Langtern, you can do your exercises through the Langtern app.
Main benefits
Find material for exercises faster, with our online content database by difficulty level.
Create exercises faster with our exercise AI engine.
Keep your students engaged with our mobile app for interactive exercises.
Detailed features
Langtern helps you teach either English or Mandarin Chinese. More languages coming soon.
Interactive exercises
Langtern helps you create interactive exercises for your students to complete
Online content search engine
Langtern provides an database of up-to-date free online content (videos, news, articles) to prepare exercises, allowing you to filter by difficulty level and topic.
AI for exercises creation
Langtern creates exercises automatically from online material through artificial intelligence.
Weekly prepared exercises
Langtern prepares weekly ready-made exercises for you to directly share with your students
Mobile app for students
Your students can do their exercises through the Langtern app, and receive notifications when you share material or exercises with them.
Main benefits
Have multiple teacher accounts from a single school account.
Keep your class materials under the control of the school.
Manage the school teachers and grant them access to the classes and exercise area.
Detailed features
You can have classes of any of the languages supported in Langtern: English and Chinese. More languages coming soon.
Classes with multiple teachers
You can have classes where multiple teachers can post material and exercises, sharing the teaching duties.
Central control
You can review the material posted in each class, and give or take control of classes and exercises from teachers.

Select the language you are teaching/learning, and your type of device:

Google PlayApp Store
Google PlayApp Store